Muslim Politics Review is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) that focuses on the multifaceted relationships between religion and political and socio-economic development of Muslim states and societies. The journal examines political dynamics within Muslim societies and their responses to global world.
Broadly defined, the journal invites scholarly works dealing with theoretical and empirical issues on the domestic politics and international relations of the Muslim societies. It opens to both qualitative and quantitative works from all methodological standpoints. While the journal emphasizes the substantive works, it also welcomes research notes that address methodological challenges in studying the politics of the Muslim societies. Concurrently, Muslim Politics Review supports a broad research agenda aimed at building inter-disciplinary bridges with relevant areas and invigorating cross-disciplinary debate on the complexity of Muslim world.
The Editorial Board welcomes scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.
Muslim Politics Review has become a CrossRef Member since year 2022. Therefore, all articles published by Muslim Politics Review will have unique DOI number.
P-ISSN: 2829-3568
E-ISSN: 2964-979X

Author Guideline is available for download here
TEMPLATE is available for download here
Article Sample is available for download here
It is suggested the use of a reference manager, MENDELEY and ZOTEROVol 1, No 2 (2022)
Table of Contents
A’an Suryana
Hikmawan Saefullah
Hadza Min Fadhli Robby, Muhammad Maulidan, Zuliyan M. Rizky
Gde Dwitya Arief Metera
Ryllian Chandra Eka Viana
Asyiqah Binti Mohamad Jamil, Asilatul Hanaa Binti Abdullah
Mohamed Sayed
Book Review
Nia Deliana
Ararat Kostanian